GPS Youth Ministry is open to all middle and high school youth. We meet on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30 during the school year.
Our name has a dual meaning. First, it’s an acronym for Growing in Faith, Participating in the life of The Church, and Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Second, just as we use a GPS to help us with navigation, we hope our lessons will help our youth navigate their way through middle school, high school, and beyond.
Come Join Us!
In addition to our Sunday evening meetings, the GPS Youth Ministry participate in a number of service projects and social events. Most notably, we participate in the Polar Plunge to help benefit Special Olympics of Southern Illinois, food drives for Crisis Food Center, collecting supplies for 5A’s Animal Shelter, and collecting clothing for the less fortunate in our community.
Event highlights include a picture scavenger hunt, Pet Blessing, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Party, SuperBowl Party, Palm Sundaes, and MORE!!