Children's Ministry

(Jesus and Me)

This is the time during the sermon when children, pre-K through 5th grade, leave the sanctuary, and go to a classroom to do their own lesson. We use a variety of resources throughout the year to help build our Christian education.  This time is full of songs, activities, worksheets, craft ideas, and “take home” pages.  We recently learned all of the books of the Old Testament and will begin to learn the Apostles’ Creed soon.  We have also used JAM time to work on projects for Back to School, Grandparent’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, and Easter.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School takes place during the summer.  Students pre-k through 5th grade spend the week, Sunday through Thursday evenings, on a faith-filled adventure where kids will learn how to dive deeper into a relationship with God.   Each evening the students rotate through 5 stations – Deep Bible Adventure, Sticky Scripture, Tidal Treats, Imagination Station, and Sing and Play Splash Music. 

We usually have a special surprise for everyone on Thursday evening. 

VBS 2024, SCUBA, is June 9-13 from 6:00-8:15pm.  

Other Events

The children at Godfrey First are happily leading the congregation in monthly activities.  In August, we collect school supplies and money for North Elementary to support children who are under-resourced.  In September, we host a coffee hour and make special cards for our grandparents to celebrate Grandparents’ Day.  In October, everyone gets into the Halloween spirit by participating in our annual Trunk or Treat.  We also collect Change for Change each month to support worthy causes such as; UMCOR (disaster relief), 5A’s Animal Shelter, Crisis Food Center, and Our Conference Our Kids (children’s homes).