Jay Hanscom | Lead Pastor

I was appointed to Godfrey 1st UMC (GFUMC) as Lead Pastor in 2019. I earned a B.A. degree in History from the University of Southern Maine (I’m an 11th generation Mainer), and earned a Master of Divinity Degree from Eden Theological Seminary.

I believe that my call is in helping others answer their unique call from God. I serve GFUMC by helping the church achieve its three-fold focus; being a place where people COME to know Jesus Christ, GROW in Christian relationship and understanding, and GO into the world as servants of Christ.

I am the father of 5 young children; Eli, Janine, Jonas, Eliana, and Ephram.

Contact Info:

Name: Pastor Jay [D. Hanscom]

Call/Text: (618) 604-3609

Email: revjayhanscom@gmail.com