Ann McLaughlin | Director of Children's Ministries

After 34 years with the Alton School District, I retired in June 2020, just in time to miss COVID protocols and mandates in the schools (thank goodness!)  During my tenure in Alton, I was a teacher, Literacy Coach, and Assistant Principal.  As you may guess, I have many great ideas and tons of experience working with kids.  At the present time, I am focusing on our JAM ministry-the time during the sermon when the children leave the sanctuary and go to a classroom to do their own lesson.  We are looking forward to restarting children’s Sunday School between our Sunday worship services at 9:30. In addition to Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Program and Easter Egg Hunt, I am also scheduling family activities such as movie night, game night, a night at the Godfrey Corn Maze, and other fun family events.  So far, the members of GFUMC have proven to be very helpful and active in making our children’s and family ministries successful.